RESILIAN, a strong industrial tissue
The initiatives carried out by RESILIAN are divided into 3 workstreams involving a community of more than 130 people (managers, executives, technicians).

With a very low unemployment rate and recruitment difficulties for many companies in Northern Alsace, it is a question of attracting, training and retaining the essential competencies on the territory, which notably involves :
- Working on the image and communication around industrial careers,
- The development of local technological training courses in line with the needs of companies.
Initiatives carried out
March 15-16, 2019: Operation “Dive into the Heart of Industry” (Plongez au coeur de l’Industrie).
Every two years, as part of the Week of Industry, with the support of industrialists, the Communauté d’Agglomération de Haguenau and the UIMM organize this fair at the Halle aux Houblons in Haguenau.
The aim is to show young people as part of their career guidance, as well as the general public, the industrial excellence, products, technologies, innovations and professions of North alsacian companies. The first day is dedicated to secondary school students and the second day to the general public.

Working group
Training courses
- Engineering “digital 4.0”, Franco-German training by sandwich course
Over the next 5 to 10 years, Industry 4.0 will have an increased need for skills that could be filled by new work-study engineering training.
Anticipating the skills needs of companies involved in Industry 4.0 by developing an adapted training offer
The importance and weight of the content of the modules will be defined with RESILIAN’s industrial partners. A more important colouring on some of these themes can be considered according to the demands of the industrialists and the strengths of the territory.
- International Education in Northern Alsace
To date, the international teaching sections are only located in Strasbourg and Karlsruhe. Moreover, the capacity of these sections is very limited. Some companies have difficulties in attracting talent either endogenously or exogenously.
Offering a complete international career path from kindergarten to high school on the territory
- Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications (CMQ) – Campus for Trades and Qualifications
The CMQ’s objective is to constitute a centre of excellence offering a wide range of training programs adapted to the needs of businesses and territories, but also to foresee and accompany economic and technological changes.
A project for a “Digital and Future Industry” Campus for Trades and Qualifications
was launched in March 2019 across Alsace. It was labeled in February 2020 and is backed by a “Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir” (under study).
- New “multi-company” path for 9th grade internships
On the basis of an observation shared by RESILIAN, the Conseil Départemental du Bas-Rhin (Departmental Council of Bas-Rhin), the Communauté d’Agglomération de Haguenau (Urban Community of Haguenau) and local elected officials, the experimentation of a new program for 3rd grade internships was carried out during the first half of March 2020.
Concept: 4 young people are welcomed by 4 companies from Monday to Thursday, one day per company. Each of them builds a path allowing the students to discover several professions.
The last day of the week is dedicated to a time of exchange between interns and host companies, allowing everyone to give their feedback on the week’s experience. This day is also an opportunity to close the week in a fun way through games designed to discover the jobs in the industry (e.g. escape game).
Hence, from 2 to 12 of March, 8 companies (ACEA, BOEHLI, DE DIETRICH PROCESS SYSTEMS, FONDATION SONNENHOF, NORCAN, SEW USOCOME, SIEMENS and TRUMPF) each welcomed four 9 grader interns from the Séminaire des Jeunes de Walbourg High-School, during 1 day, in two different test areas (Reichshoffen and Haguenau).