Our History

Northern Alsace is a strong industrial area, with around 15,000 industrial jobs (1 job in 3), whose attractiveness we want to strengthen so that it remains sustainable. With this in mind, the first discussions on the creation of a North Alsace industrial cluster began in 2015.
In July 2017, the project gained momentum when several industrialists, notably during exchanges with ADIRA (Economic Development Agency for Alsace), expressed their desire to get to know each other better in order to collaborate better together.
Subsequently, we were accompanied in our approach by ADIRA, which led several working meetings, which enabled us to move forward together and define our ambition, which is to cooperate in the form of an industrial grouping with the aim to :
- Keeping our industrial know-how in Northern Alsace,
- To encourage the emergence of collaborative projects, the sharing of best practices and creativity by creating a local network.
- Improving our competitiveness and diversification opportunities,
- Strengthening the dynamism of our employment pool,
- Making the “Digital Transition” work.
We have obtained financial and technical support from the RÉGION GRAND EST, the Communauté d’Agglomération de Haguenau (CAH), the ITRON Revitalisation Fund, as well as support from the IUT de Haguenau, the ADEC (Association pour le Développement des Entreprises et des Compétences), the project bearer for RESILIAN, and the ADIRA (Economic Development Agency for Alsace), which continues to support the structuring of the network. This allowed the recruitment of a Coordinator (Lionel Enderlin), at the end of September 2018 and the launch of our network. In October 2018, the Network of Innovative Industrials of Northern Alsace “RESILIAN” was born
RESILIAN, is inspired by the word “Resilience”, in Physics resilience is defined by the ability of materials to resist shocks. Applied to our situation, it is the ability of companies and territories to adapt to economic changes.
Our partners
A limited steering committee meets about once a month to discuss ongoing projects and take decisions. It is composed of representatives from
The industrial sector:
• Tobias Morlock, Site manager – Siemens,
• Jean-Yves Jung, Industrial manager – CAF,
• David Leopoldes, Director general – Schiller Medical,
• Thierry Mohr, CEO – ACEA EMS,
• Jérôme Amann, Director general – Sew Usocome,
• Carine Rossdeutsch-Wolff, Director general – Sewosy,
• Jean Christophe Cognacq, Plant manager – Hager.
• Philippe Picard, Director of Equipment and Infrastructure – Schaeffler France.
The economic development:
• Marc Becker, Vice President – ADEC and President – Pôle Véhicule du Futur,
• Lionel Enderlin, Coordinator RESILIAN – ADEC,
• Philippe Antoine, Deputy Director – Maison de la Région Haguenau – Saverne,
• Sébastien Leduc, Project manager – ADIRA,
• Dominique Platz, Director of Economic Development – CAH,
• Jean-Michel Staerlé, President – ADEC.
The higher education:
• Yann Gaudeau, Director – IUT HAGUENAU
• Stéphane Wahl, Head of School and Corporate Relations – IUT HAGUENAU

Lionel Enderlin
Coordinator RESILIAN

Carole Friess
Student-apprentice Project manager RESILIAN